Dnes budeme hovoriť o pokrokoch AI v analýze snímkov a hľadaní rakoviny, o topológii uzlov a na záver bude niekoľko krátkych správ.
Podcast: Stiahnut (Dlzka: 53:00 — 36.4MB)
- International evaluation of an AI system for breast cancer screening
- Deep Learning to Improve Breast Cancer Detection on Screening Mammography
- Deep Learning to Improve Breast Cancer Detection on Screening Mammography
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Digital Mammography in the Detection of Breast Cancer
- How Accurate Are Mammograms?
- Color-changing fibers help reveal mysteries of how knots work
- Knot theory
- Topological mechanics of knots and tangles
- Judge Orders Alex Jones and Infowars to Pay $100,000 in Sandy Hook Legal Fees
- GM golden rice gets landmark safety approval in the Philippines
- Somerset palm reader charged with stealing over $70000 fromclient who believed her daughter was possessed by demon