V tejto časti budeme hovoriť o tom, či sa dá vypestovať les za 10 rokov, čo spôsobuje knockout a či budeme niekedy využívať biomining vo vesmíre.
Podcast: Stiahnut (Dlzka: 1:00:28 — 27.7MB)
[tabs] [tab title=“Témy“] 00:00 Intro00:46 Dá sa vypestovať les za 10 rokov?
20:23 Čo spôsobuje knockout?
34:13 Budeme využívať biomining vo vesmíre?
47:53 Fakt a fikcia
59:33 Outro [/tab] [tab title=“Zdroje“]
- Growing a mature forest in ten years instead of 600 to 1000 years
- European Countries by Forest Area
- List of countries by forest area
- The man who plants trees: Shubhendu Sharma is reforesting the world, one patch at a time
- Knockout
- How Does a Punch to the Jaw Cause a Knockout?
- Trojklaný nerv
- Knockout Punch: The neurophysiology
- Asteroid Miners May Get Help from Metal-Munching Microbes
- Biomining
- Black Swallower- The Bizarre Deep Sea Creature That Can Eat Prey Up to 10-Times Its Size
- Absurd Creature of the Week: The Tough-as-Hell Antarctic Fish With Antifreeze for Blood
- Absurd Creature of the Week: The Badass Snail That Has a Shell Made of Iron