V dnešnej časti Pseudocastu si povieme o novom výskume, ktorý naznačuje, v akom veku dieťaťa by sme možno vedeli povedať, že bude autizmom a či na to majú vakcíny nejaký vplyv. Ďalej sa pozrieme na 10 (a možno ešte viac) najrozšírenejších mýtov o rakovine.
Podcast: Stiahnut (Dlzka: 46:54 — 20.7MB)
Témy :
- Kedy začína autizmus
- 10 (a viac) mýtov o rakovine
- Fakt a fikcia
Zdroje :
- Autism
- More Signs Autism May Originate During Pregnancy
- Autism begins in pregnancy, according to study: Cortical layers disrupted during brain development in autism
- When Does Autism Begin?
- Alternative cancer treatments
- Nearly all men survive testicular cancer
- Candida (fungus)
- Ocean of Pseudoscience: Sharks DO get cancer!
- The Neanderthal With the World’s Oldest Tumor
- Underweight Even Deadlier Than Overweight, Study Says
- Deodorants: Do we really need them?
- Crows understand water displacement at the level of a small child: Show causal understanding of a 5- to 7-year-old child
Hudba :
- Dago
- jOin3r